Saturday, August 21, 2010



Resistors reduce and limits the current. A thin film of carbon is deposited onto a small ceramic rod. Resistor is covered with an insulating coating and painted with colour bands to indicate the resistor value.

Identifying, Testing and Combining Resistors

• First two or three bandsmay be the numbers towrite down

• Next band is the multiplier(how many zeros to add tothe number)

• Gold multiplier makes onedecimal place smaller,Silver makes two decimalplaces smaller

• Last band to right may betolerance values

• Notice the examples on theright

• Brown, red, red = 1, 2, 100,5% = 1200 5%, or1.2K ,1K2

Obtain 6 resistors of different values.

Recorded values in the chart:
(Colour Codes) (Multimeter)
2200 ± 5% Ω   2.16kΩ  (Red, Red, Red, Gold) 2090~2310Ω
47000 ± 5% Ω  46.1k Ω  (Yellow, Violet, Orange, Gold) 44650~49350Ω
100 ± 5% Ω   99.6k Ω  (Brown, Red, Gold) 95~105Ω
22000 ± 5% Ω  221k Ω  (Red, Red, Yellow, Gold) 20900~23100Ω
10000 ± 5% Ω  9.82k Ω  (Brown, Black, Orange, Gold) 9500~11500Ω
27000 ± 5% Ω  270k Ω  (Red, Violet, Gold) 25650~28350Ω

Two resistors ohm resistance value measured with a multi-meter.

Resistor 1 : 2.16k Ω
Resistor 2 : 46.1k Ω

Two resistors calculated and mesured value, put together in series.

a)Calculated value 1 and 2 in series: 49200 Ω
 Measured value 1 and 2 in series: 48.2k Ω

b)Calculated vlaue 1 and 2 in parallel: 2.10k Ω  
 Measured vlaue 1 and 2 in parallel: 2.07k Ω

Measured using:

R1 x R2 2.2k x 47k
--------- = --------------- = 2.1k
R1 + R2 2.2k + 47k

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