Sunday, August 22, 2010


Experiment 4

1 x resistors, 1 x 5V1 400mW Zener diode, 1X Diode1N4007.

Obtain a breadboard, suitable components from your tutor and build the following circuit.

Vs=10 & 15v, R=1K ohms
                                     10 Volts     15 Volts

Volt drop V1:    4.81v       4.93v
Volt drop V2:    0.66v      0.691v
Volt drop V3:    5.47v       5.62v
Volt Drop V4:      4.44v       9.4v
Calculated current A:  10㎃       15㎃

Describe what is happening and why you are getting these readings:
Current reduces while flowing through the resistor and diodes.

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