Sunday, August 22, 2010



The capacitor stores electric charge.

A capacitor consists of two metal plates very close together, separated by an insulator.

When connected to a battery or power source electrons flow into the negative plates and charge up the capacitor.

The charge remains there when the battery is removed. The charge stored depends on the “size” or capacitance of the capacitor, which is measured on Farads (F).

Types of Capacitor:
Non-electrolytic capacitor, Variable capacitor, Electrolytic capacitor, Tantalum capacitor.

Identifying Capacitor Size.

1 x resistor, 1 x capacitor, 1 x pushbutton N/O switch.

First, calculate how much time it would take to charge up the capacitor.

Then, connect the circuit as shown above. Measure the time taken by the capacitor to reach the applied voltage on an oscilloscope.

Fill in the chart below. Also draw the observed waveforms in the graphs below, filling the details on each one.

How does changes in the resistor affect the charging time?
Resistor affects the charging time. Higher value of resistor will take longer to charge than a lower value resistor

How does changes in the capacitor affect the charging time?
Bigger capacitor will take longer to charge.

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