Pick five resistors between 2K2 and 1M for Rb. You want a range of resistors that allow you to see Vce when the transistor is the saturated switch region and when it is in the active amplifier region. I used 2K2, 47K, 270K, 330K and 220K. Measure and record voltage drop across Vce and Vbe. Also measure and record the current for Ic and Ib. Then change the Rb resistor and do all the measurements and record the new readings. Do this for each of the resistor values above.
Rb= 2K2, Vbe= 0.73V, Vce= 26.3mV, Ib= 1.99mA, Ic= 6.5mA
Rb= 47k, Vbe= 0.68V, Vce= 1.10V, Ib= 0.11mA, Ic= 6.66mA
Rb= 270k, Vbe= 0.68V, Vce= 0.82V, Ib= 0.01mA, Ic= 4.44mA
Rb= 330k, Vbe= 0.67V, Vce= 1.41V, Ib= 0.01mA, Ic= 3.60mA
Rb= 220k, Vbe= 0.69V, Vce= 0.58V, Ib= 0.02mA, Ic= 5.30mA